Decontamination Definition
About Decontamination: Decontamination Definition
Decontamination is used to make an object or area safe by reducing the number of microorganisms to a harmless level. It ensures that equipment, surfaces, etc. decontaminated are free of parasites. Decontamination is sometimes confused with disinfection, but it is different. With regard to decontamination, the process aims to eliminate pathogenic organisms, while disinfection is the process of killing them. The process can be divided into three steps: decontamination, disinfection and sterilization. Each step removes or kills different troublesome pathogens, but all are effective in some way against bacteria and viruses that cause infections in humans.
Surfaces can be decontaminated, which means that they are freed from contamination by the decontaminating agent or the decontamination process used to remove the contaminants. This method differs from disinfection, which requires a certain contact time and a specific concentration of the decontaminating agent to remove the contaminants.
Sterilization describes the cleaning process that eliminates all forms of life, including not only disease-causing organisms but also spores that could cause future problems. Sterilization is obtained by applying a dose of decontaminant sufficient to kill all forms of life. For practical purposes, sterilization includes all processes and procedures that can be expected to completely decontaminate equipment, instruments, etc.
Decontamination does not necessarily kill 100% of the microorganisms present, but reduces their numbers to a safe or innocuous level, depending on public health requirements. What are the types of contaminants? Contaminants can be classified into living organisms, viruses, prions, toxins and allergens. They can spread through air, food or water. The decontamination solution must kill all types of contaminants
What are decontamination methods used for? Procedures vary depending on the nature of the contamination. Many procedures use a combination of solutions.
Decontamination methods
Decontaminated surfaces may need to be disinfected to ensure all germs have been killed. When working, it is important to always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). All steps and procedures must be taken seriously.
Mold decontamination
Molds are tiny, microscopic organisms that produce allergens and irritants. They can grow on almost anything in the right conditions, which is why mold remediation is essential around homes and other buildings where people live or work.
Mold remediation is the removal of mold from surfaces so that it no longer poses an allergy risk to you or your family. It also involves decontaminating porous materials to eliminate mold spores. This prevents the material from acting as a reservoir for future mold growth once it has been removed or repaired. Once the work is complete, your restoration professional will take steps to prevent mold from returning by correcting the underlying problem that allowed its initial development.
Asbestos removal
Consists of decontaminating materials that have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos decontamination is carried out by specialized companies which decontaminate, for a fee, structures and other types of products contaminated with asbestos. Such work is recommended when the amount of asbestos in a structure exceeds a specific level set by law in each country. Wet decontamination is the most common method, as it guarantees the removal of a greater amount of ACM (asbestos containing materials) than dry removal.

Lead paint decontamination
Lead decontamination has been used to decontaminate lead-based paint from walls, ceilings and woodwork. Pickling is different from other techniques because it involves a change of material rather than simply removing the decontaminant. The objective is to measure the contamination of the surface before and after the works.
There are a variety of techniques to reduce or eliminate surface lead levels in paint, dust, soil, water and air. This article discusses procedures including sandblasting, wet abrasion, dry abrasion, and chemical stripping.
Lead decontamination involves reducing lead levels on surfaces. One of the techniques is chemical pickling. Chemical stripping involves removing contaminants, such as lead-based paint, by dissolving them in a chemical solution. During this process, the decontaminated surface can be rinsed or left wet with the decontamination solution. A growing body of research has been published on lead decontamination procedures. In addition, the decontamination of other heavy metals such as arsenic and cadmium has been studied.
The process involves chemical dissolution or complexation, which occurs through the following mechanisms: redox reactions, precipitation or coagulation/flocculation processes, ion exchange reactions, and complex formation reactions.
Lead poisoning
Definition, Sources, Symptoms
We speak of lead poisoning when there is too much lead in the body. Almost everyone has some lead in their body from what they eat and drink. For most people exposed to lead, this amount causes no illness or problems. However, some children and adults who inhale or swallow large amounts of lead can be exposed to high levels of lead in the body and develop serious health problems.
Lead poisoning can occur in children who eat paint chips or breathe in dust from peeling or peeling lead-based paint, which is common in older homes. It can also affect adults who work in certain industries such as construction, auto repair, radiator repair, and painting.
Lead poisoning can cause
– abdominal pain
– constipation
– headache
– weight loss and anemia (a condition in which the blood does not carry enough oxygen to the cells of the body)
The most common cause of lead poisoning is exposure to paint or other lead-containing materials. Other sources are contaminated soil, drinking water, food, and consumer products made with lead.
If you live in an older home that has peeling or peeling lead-based paint, be sure to keep it in good repair and keep children away.
The differences between mold decontamination and asbestos decontamination
The mold remediation process and the asbestos remediation process are very different. They both need to be done by trained professionals who can perform the work safely. Mold remediation is the removal or killing of spores, hyphae, and mycelium from any porous surface including walls, ceilings, insulation, and many other porous surfaces.
The work also includes killing any remaining spores after mold removal to ensure they don’t reappear and removing dead organic debris using antimicrobial cleaning. Asbestos decontamination involves removing friable asbestos-containing materials, that is, materials that can release fibers into the air when disturbed. This work must be carried out by experts in order to guarantee the safety of the team and the surrounding work areas.
The importance of air quality testing following decontamination work.
After the work, it is important to perform air quality testing to ensure the space is safe and free of mold spores or other possible contaminants. A professional contractor should be able to help you with this process.
When working on an interior space, it is important to carry out air quality tests before allowing anyone to re-enter the building, so that no one is exposed to unwanted substances such as mold spores, asbestos or lead particles.
Mold is particularly dangerous for people with respiratory problems, and work that leaves spores or debris behind can create an unsafe environment for people inside.
Professional companies are able to properly decontaminate an indoor space by cleaning surfaces, removing porous materials, and performing air quality tests to ensure the indoor space is decontaminated and safe.
In any process, it is important to carry out air quality tests before and after the work, so that no one is exposed to airborne particles.
How to choose a decontamination contractor ?
When a contractor is selected, it is important to know that the company will not only decontaminate but that they have experience in decontaminating the type of contamination present. It is also important to know that the company has the capacity to decontaminate to the required level.
It is also important that the contractor has occupational health and safety policies and procedures in place that meet legal requirements as well as those set by the state and federal government. Contractor’s facilities must be able to safely decontaminate a range of materials.
When choosing a contractor, it is important to ask them to demonstrate that they decontaminate the materials to the required level. It is also important that this company has the necessary occupational health and safety policies and procedures in place.